Welcome to Solution Era

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About Us

Our Software Developer use our programming skills to create new desktop software, mobile apps and web applications. They are a creative thinker who enjoys to problem solving, errors handlings and playing with code.

We provide great services and ideass

We are the creative force behind computer programs of all kinds. They design and write the code used to build everything from operating systems to apps to video games.

Day-to-day tasks might include:

  • Analyzing the needs of software users
  • Designing, testing, and building software programs to meet user needs
  • Creating models and diagrams that outline the code needed to create software and applications
  • Performing maintenance and testing to keep software functioning
  • Documenting the process to provide the information needed for upgrades and maintenance

Our Services

A Web development, desktop application and mobile apps development is the process of creating and maintaining the various components of software, including applications and frameworks

Web Application Development

Web application development is an extension of standard web app development such as an increased need for an iterative development process.

Mobile Application Development

Mobile applications are specifically designed for use on mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and digital assistants.

Desktop Software Development

Desktop application designers must also focus on the interaction between the user and UI, which involves a integration of hardware and software .

E-Commerce Websites

in E-Commerce webiste security is also a greater issue for web applications than traditional desktop applications since they have much greater exposure to attack


Our team also mantain the software with proper Installation,Testing ,Bugs checking of a software and website

Quality Assurance

QA is an investigative process that informs about an application’s quality. It also provides the customer with an independent review of the risks of implementing the software.


Words of appreciation

I highly recommend this Software company. Testing for our project was done top-notch. All issues and bugs were meticulously and clearly documented on our project's
"I always have the best experience with SE. Thank you for getting back to us in a timely manner and helping us with the littlest or biggest of problems

Contact Us

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+91 98884 87802, +91 79867 61121

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